Wednesday, May 2, 2007

A Thank You Lettter

Note to Readers: I was so impressed by the staff of Exeter Hospital in Exeter, NH that I felt compelled to write a letter to the President of the institution. I also felt that the hospital deserved wider publicity so the following post of a copy of the letter.

April 26, 2007

Mr. Kevin Callahan
Exeter Health Resources.
5 Alumni Dr
Exeter, NH 03833

Subject: My Recent Stay At Exeter Hospital

Dear Mr. Callahan:

I write to praise my treatment by your staff during my stay in your facility from April 19th to April 24th. I am very impressed by the ethic of care and helpfulness shown by, not just a few but, by all of your staff that interacted with me. During that stay I was met only by the utmost helpfulness, kindness and consideration by everyone with whom I came in contact. I know that the personality of a group tends to reflect the ethic and the direction of the leader of the group and I want to thank you for providing that leadership.

My experience began with an unexpected call from my surgeon, Dr. Rod McKee, around five o’clock on the evening before I was to have surgery. The anesthesiologist, doing careful checking of my medical records, questioned the ability of my heart to withstand the rigors of the surgery that was proposed for 11:00 AM the following day and wanted a stress test to confirm my fitness to undergo the procedure. I was given three choices; first delay the operation, second to move the site of the operation to a facility that could accommodate open heart surgery in case my heart became an issue, third attempt to emergency schedule a test early the following morning at the hospital. I chose the third option and Dr. McKee confirmed, within a half hour, that space had been arranged to accommodate a test at 9:00AM the following morning. Dr. McKee’s caring actions that evening saved me from a possible long period of anxiety and worry and those of the anesthesiologist showed a care and prudence that I found comforting.

On arriving at registration the following morning I found that due to the late scheduling changes of the evening before, correct physician authorization had not taken place. Claudia, the wonderful lady working with me in registration and a very dedicated blonde nurse from the stress test facility worked hard tot obtain the necessary signatures and codes from my primary care physician Dr. John Riedel clearing me for the test in time to make my surgical appointment. The surgery went well and I proceeded through recovery to the ICU where I was handled with the utmost care and kindness. Everyone who worked in the unit was first rate but I would particularly commend Nurse John Viray and LNA Stacey Mitchell.

On Sunday I was transferred to Surgical Unit of Wing 4 and found that the same high standards of helpfulness, care and courteously that I had found in other parts of the hospital were demonstrated again in this unit.

All in all your staff worked hard and well to make a potentially difficult experience a good and memorable one for me. I would like to thank you for having such a great group of people instilled with such a great ethic of work and service.


Nels Tyring


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